Friday, November 12, 2010

FFG--From the Hand of the Lord


My dear friend Lori hosts Friday Farm Girls at Heart every week;
please click on her button above to visit her blog
and find out how you can participate!

As I think back on the past few weeks, I have seen God's handiwork of provision in my family's life.

I have this picture in my mind of the farmer's wife, working hard every day ministering to her family.  In plentiful times, she brings a casserole to a neighbor who just had surgery, and she donates some of her chicken's eggs to the church's food pantry.  Her sons walk down the street (it's a small farm) to rake the elderly neighbor's yard.  Good works abound!

In lean times, she makes do with what is on hand--food she has canned, or delicious meals using the dry beans in the basement pantry.  And she offers thanks to the Lord.  In even harder times, she graciously and thankfully accepts blessings from others.  She acknowledges that it is the hand of the Lord providing for her family.  Hmm, she sounds a bit like the Proverbs 31 woman...

We've had a few very lean weeks, but each time we've been blessed with a meal which has come from somewhere other than Fernando's paycheck, we've whispered, "God's provision."  The Lord wanted us to know that everything--whether from money in our pockets or from others--comes from His hand.  I pray that we whisper "God's provision" every day.

Again, please visit Lori's blog for Friday Farm Girls at Heart!

Back to life,

visit my photography blog!
captured by Christine Anne


  1. Dear Christine,
    This post is just is so important to recognize that God's hand is in everything...and to rest on the assurance that He will always provide. Praise His glorious Name.
    Sweet blessings to you and your family,

  2. There is nothing more amazing that seeing God at work!

    His provisions...they come from everywhere and they are administered by different people that He uses. Totally amazing :)

    I am so happy that you and your darling family are doing well. And that you are completely sure that everything comes from HIM!


  3. Praise the Lord for his provision!
    Love you much,
    (Looking sooooo forward to seeing you tonight!)

  4. Dear is such a blessing that there is always so much to be thankful for! Thanks for sharing from your heart...sweet blessings to you and your family! Hugs ♥ Teri

  5. This is beautiful, Christine.

    As a charity worker, I have have seen many lean weeks and we don't only think of our own needs but also the needs of others. But as His word promised, His children will not be left begging for bread. And His word is always proven true. We always experience His hand of provision reaching to us. I stand amazed how God creatively provide for our every single need.
    This post is a beautiful celebration of God's faithful provision. thank you for sharing.

